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Here are the facts if the Pareto Principle ( 80/20 rule ) applies to fiction writers :

80 % of your success as a writer of fiction comes from 20% of the activity you are doing .

In other words ...

You as a writer doing more activities that are not effective .

But do not worry ...

Not difficult for you to change habits to be more effective . We will borrow the concept of The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People ( 1989) from Dr . Stephen R. Covey .

Covey applies the concept of a common , yet flexible . Novelist or short story writer can also adapt the concept into its activities .

I know because it consciously and not , have been using it for years - since 1995 . And here ... I am going to share with you .

But first I want to say that on July 16 , 2012, Stephen R. Covey died at the age of 79 years .

So after all , this post as well as to honor his services .

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Fiction Writer

1 . Being Proactive ( RIGHT How to Overcome Writer 's Block )

What is the most cliche vocabulary in the realm of fiction writing ?

Writer's block .

Once the negatives until you can read dozens of tips that promise to remove you from writing deadlock . Such as listening to music , take a walk in the park , reading the writing of others , and so on ...

You follow their advice - I also . No change ... because they suggest looking for a solution from the outside . While the problem lies within you .

You must be proactive , says Covey . There is a free will between the stimulus with your response .

So there are 2 options for you when writer's block attack :

You choose to lose and look for justification ; Not mood ; house is noisy : Eve sultry , Pause until inspiration came , and so on ...

Or ... you choose to KEEP WRITING .

2 . Starting With the End in Mind ( Create Outline Before Writing )

There are authors who claim not to know the end of the short stories he wrote . They sure will find a character in the course of their own goals .

There are writers who managed to put it that way ..

But the fact remains , it is not effective habits .

Short Story should have been completed in your head before you start writing .

If you do not have a final destination , you could potentially lose a lot of time . Every time you have to stop to think , and ask what else should be done by the characters ?

3 . Putting The Key ( Prioritize Writing In Your Schedule )

I often get e-mail reader that has been unable to find time to write short stories .

But I 'm sure they always have time to hang out on facebook :)

So I say to them :

Writing is not the case you have time or not . Writing is an option .

If writing is important to you , then prioritize write in your agenda .

4 . Think Win - Win ( QUICK How to Sell More Books )

I 'll be honest , without naming :)

Indonovel often receive emails from readers who have just published kumcer or novel . Generally asked us to write a review - Once once someone asked us to interview him .

But only the contents of the email . Nobody asked postal address and said :

" I will send a copy of my book Indonovel . "

There are as well several emails asking for tips on how to market their books online .

Then we advocate that they share at least 10-15 books free of charge to popular bloggers for review .

But unfortunately there are none who preach have done .

So what's the moral of the story above ?

When entered into the sales phase , the author in Indonesia are generally not effective . Promotion is considered as an expense rather than an investment .

If you would like to review a novel free , be sure to get your novel peresensi free .

That is a win-win principle by Covey . You are not worthy ' win ' while your partners ' lose ' .

One example of good practice is a Win-Win in the internet affiliate sales systems ( eg in the ClickBank site ) .

There you can find many products ( especially ebooks ) that offers commission between 30-50 % to its affiliates .

By sharing profits , potentially eBook authors getting more . The more affiliate means increasingly wide range of marketing your book - plus free reviews everywhere.

5 . Trying To Understand ( Readers ) Ask Before Understood

How often do you text editor rejected Compass weeks ? When that happens , you accuse the short story editor subjective compass and favoritism .

Or ..

How often do you read a bad review of your book ? . Whether or not there are readers who commented on the short story on your blog ? Then you turn the reader assess just not able to digest the depth of your work .

If true , then your fiction writing skills will not go anywhere.

Good writers are trying to understand others before asking himself understood .

For example ...

Readers say your resolution too predictable . That's a sign you need to learn how to make a twist ending .

Editors say your plot is too flat , then you have to add suspense .

The publisher said the novel you are not worthy , then you need to have it redone ... or write a new script .

    Kadang manusia terlalu dekat dengan pohon untuk melihat hutan —> Click to tweet

6 . Synergy ( Interdependence Author By Publisher )

In the past the writer dependent ( dependent ) on the publisher . This partnership is unbalanced because writers tend to only get about 10 % royalty .

Then the author tries to self- publish his book ( independent ) . Private capital , but the advantage of 100 % went into his own pocket .

According to you which one is best ?

According to Covey , the best of all forms of cooperation are interdependent ( interdependence ) .

... Because two or more parties together , will result in greater overall value than the sum of each part :

    Synergy = 1 + 1 > 2 - > Click to tweet

In case I see publishing print on demand publishing system adequately represent this concept .

The author gets 60 % of the profit portion ( greater than mainstream publishers ) . On the other hand they do not have to bother to handle the marketing and distribution as an independent writer .
Now let's look at the last habit ...

If you had to choose only one effective habit to do , then the habit is :

No. habits . 7 : Sharpen the Saw ( Hone Pen )

Why woodcutter often stop to sharpen the saw ?

Due to the sharpness of the saw decreases over time .... consequently cutting down the timber drain more energy and time .

A writer also need to hone in order to maintain the sharpness of the writing pen

You need to stop from constantly writing short stories . Set aside time to read and learn the techniques of other authors .

Asahlah skills prepare an outline if you start trouble stringing scenes ...

Rent thriller , and learn how the director to show the tension if you start trouble creating suspense .

When re- writing , you might be surprised at the improvement of the quality and quantity of your writing .

by: +Anto Dachlan translated by +Abdul Muis Al Bantani

2 komentar:

  1. ya memang, jadi setiap para penulis fiksi itu tergantung dari cara mereka berfikir dan mengembangkan ide gagasan dalam fikirannya,
    nice gan,

  2. menarik sekali untuk di simak dan di translete gan,
    boleh dikopi nih artikel,


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