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This letter comes from the mother , who always dogged miserable . After much thought, she tried to write and put pen , though doubt and shame of self blanketed this .

Every time you write , every scratch of this paper was also hindered by tears . And every time tears , each also, this wounded heart .

O my son ...

Throughout the period that has passed you , I see you have become men , men smart and wise . Therefore you deserve to read this article , you will even be squeezed this paper , then you are torn , as previously you had squeezed mother's heart , and you have torn feelings anyway .

O my son ...

25 years have passed , and the years it was a year of happiness in my life .

One time the doctor came to convey about my pregnancy , and all the mother fully understands the meaning of the sentence . Mixed feeling of joy and happy within this , as it is the beginning of the mother's physical and emotional changes .

Since the good news , I bring you nine months . Sleep , stand , eat , and breathe in trouble . However , it all does not diminish the love and affection you, and it grows with time .

I was pregnant with my son , O , the above condition is weak weak . At the same time , I was so excited when your feet feel and look terjalan , or trackback your body in my stomach .

I feel satisfied , I weigh myself every , because when my stomach is increasingly heavy , so you mean by healthy wal afiat in my belly .

My son ...

Prolonged suffering striking me , came came on that night , that I could not sleep a wink , I felt unbearable pain , and feel the fear that can not be described .

The pain continued , so that it can no longer make me cry . That much anyway , I saw death in front of me , until it's time you go out into the world , and you were born . Tears of happiness mingled with tears crying .

When you were born , tears dripping my happiness . With that , all the weariness and sadness vanished , lost all the pain and suffering , even unto my love grow, with increased strength pain .

I grab you, before I grab a drink . I'm into kissing you, before sipping a drop of water in the esophagus .

O my son ...

Has passed a year of age. I'm taking you with my heart , bathed with both hands my love . Quintessence of my life , I give you . I did not sleep , for sleep , for the sake of your happiness berletih . My hope for each day , so I always see your smile . Happiness every moment , is any request that I do something for you . That is happiness .

Then berlalulah time , day by day , month to change the month , year after year , as long as it is anyway , I'm a loyal servant who never fails ... become dayangmu that never stop ... be your workers who never tired ... and pray always for you kindness and taufiq .

I've always noticed you, day after day , until you become an adult . Your body is well-built , muscular sinew , thin mustache and sideburns have graced the face , has added ketampananmu , oh my ...

When it is , I begin to look to the left and to the right , in search of life partner , the closer the day of my marriage , the closer the departure day .

When it seemed my heart - cut slices , tears flowing , the heart knows what it's like . Happy to have mingled with grief . Had tears mingled with laughter anyway .

Happy because you get a couple ... because you have to get a mate ... because you have earned a living companion ... As sad because you are my consolation , to be separated from me soon .

Time passed , as if I dragged the heavy , presumably after the marriage , I no longer know you.
Smile which has been the solace and grief , now has vanished like the sun is covered by the darkness of night . Your laugh is during this kujadikan yearns reed , now has sunk , like a stone dropped into a still pond , the leaves are falling , I really do not know you anymore , because you have forgotten me and forget my right .

Long felt that my days pass , only to see your shapes . I count the seconds in order to hear your voice . However penantianku seemed very long . I always stand at the door just waiting for your arrival . Every time the door squeaks , I think that the people who come thou . Every time the phone rings , I feel that you are going to call me . Every sound of vehicles passing , I feel that thou art coming .

But all that does not exist , penantianku vain , and my hopes shattered . That there is only despair ... The only remaining sadness of all the fatigue that I feel for this , he cried for himself and fate is destined by Him .

My son ...

Your mother is not asking a lot , he does not charge you to do with it .

Whose mother begged thee :

Make your mom as a friend in your life .

Make this poor mother as a maid in the house , so it could be I looked at your face , so that the mother also remembered the happy days of your childhood .

Son and mother beg you , do not plug it meshes with your mother's hostility .

Do you dispose of your face , when your mother was about to look at your face .

Whose mother receivable thee :

Make your mother's house , persinggahanmu one place , so you can not ever come around to it , even if only for a second .

Do not make it as a trash can that you never visit . Or in case you are forced to come while you shut your nose and that you passed away .

My son ...

Have stooped back anyway ... trembling hands ... because my body has been eaten by age , and has been eaten away by disease ... The establishment should have being carried ... was supposed to sit was carried ...

However , that was never annihilated - O - my son is my love ... still like the old ... still like an ocean that never dry ... still like the wind that never stops ...

Had you honored one day by someone , surely you will reply kindness with kindness , while the mother , where the back of your mind , where your good reply ? ! milk is not supposed to be rewarded with similar water ? ! milk rather rewarded with a water tube ? ! And did not Allah ta'ala , has said :

هل جزاء الإحسان إلا الإحسان

Is not reply goodness , but goodness similar ? !

Until that so hard your heart , and you 've had so far is after the passage of days and berselangnya time .

O my son ...

Every time I hear that you are happy with your life , it also increases every happiness . How not ? ! Because you are the fruit of my hands ... You are ... You are the result of keletihanku profits of all my efforts ...

What sin have I committed, so you made ​​me the enemy bebuyutanmu ? !

Have one day I was mistaken in associating with you ? !

Or did I do something negligent in serving you ? !

Can not you make me a maid who insulted from the many helpers - helper is that they all whom you gave wage ? !

Can not you give me a little protection under the auspices of greatness ? !

Can you now bestow a little compassion for the sake of treating the pain this poor old man ? !

إن الله يحب المحسنين

Truly Allah loves those who do good .

O my son ...

I just wanted to see your face , and I do not want another .

O my son ...

My heart was cut , my tears flowed , while you are healthy wal afiat . People often say that you are an outgoing man , generous and virtuous .

O my son ...

Does your heart is not touched , the frail old woman , perished eaten by longs covered sorrow, and grief dress ? !

Why ? Do you know it ? ! Because you have managed to drain the tears ... Because you have responded with a wound in his heart ... Because you have clever stabbed himself with a dagger pierced his heart durhakamu right ... Because you have also managed to sever the rope silaturrahim .

O my son ...

Your mother in fact this is the door of heaven , then titilah the bridge towards him ... drive through the course with a sweet smile , forgiveness , and good reciprocation ... I hope I see you there , with love of Allah Ta'ala , as in the hadith :

الوالد أوسط أبواب الجنة فإن شئت فأضع ذلك الباب أو احفظه

Parents are the most high heaven's door . Had you want , it's worth siakanlah door , or keep ! ( Narrated by Ahmad and at - Tirmidhi , dishohihkan by Albani )

My son ...

I know you long ago ... since you 've grown up ... I know you are very greedy with the reward ... you are always stories about keuatamaan congregation ... you always talked to me about the virtues of the first shof prayers ... you always say about the virtues of donation , and the charity ...

But one of hadith have you forgotten ... one great virtue that has you neglect ... namely that the Prophet - shollallohu alaihi wasallam - has said , as narrated by Abdulloh bin Mas'ud , he says :

سألت رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم , قلت : يا رسول الله أي العمل أفضل ? قال : الصلاة على ميقاتها . قلت : ثم أي ? قال : ثم بر الوالدين . قلت : ثم أي ? قال : الجهاد في سبيل الله . فسكت عن رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم ولو استزدته لزادني . ( متفق عليه )

I asked Rosululloh - shollallohu alaihi wasallam - : O Rosululloh , what is most noble charity ? He replied : prayer in time . I ask again : O Rosululloh Then what ? He replied : Then filial to parents . I ask again : O Rosululloh Then what ? He replied : Then Jihad in the way of Allah . Then I was silent ( not asked ) to Rosululloh - shollallohu alaihi wasallam again , and if I had asked, he would undoubtedly answer .

That hadith ibn Mas'ud Abdulloh ...

O my son ...

Here I am , your mother ... reward ... without you have to free a slave or a lot berinfak and charity ... I here's your reward ...

Have you heard , a husband who left her family and her children , leaving much to the country side , to the country either nowhere to find a gold mine , in order to support his family ? ! He salami one by one , he kissed his wife , he loved his son , he said : Your father , O my children , will go out to his own father did not know , dad would look for gold ... Our house is rickety , take care that your mother ... the elderly , take care ...

The departed husband , a husband who wished to go away , to get the gold , in order to raise their children , to build castles replace reotnya home .

But what happens , after thirty years in the colony , he was carrying only empty-handed and failure . He failed in his attempt . He returned back to his village . And came to the village during the time he lived .

What else is going on in that place , upon arrival at the location of his home , his eyes widened . He saw , no longer decrepit shack occupied by the children and their families . But he saw , a large corporation , a large gold mine . So far he is looking for gold in the country , people would look for gold near where he lived .

That perumpaanmu with goodness , oh my ...

You berletih seek the reward of charity ... you have a lot ... but you have forgotten that there are close to you a mighty reward ... there are people on your side that can impede or accelerate your deeds go to heaven ...

Your mother is the one who can stop you to go to heaven , or accelerate your deeds go to heaven ... Is not ridloku is keridloan Allah ? ! And Is not wrath is the wrath of Allah ? !

My son ...

I fear , thou mean by the Prophet Muhammad - shollallohu alaihi wasallam - in the hadith :

رغم أنفه ثم رغم أنفه ثم رغم أنفه قيل من يا رسول الله قال من أدرك والديه عند الكبر أحدهما أو كليهما ثم لم يدخل الجنة ( رواه مسلم )

Woe to the person , a person woe , and woe to anyone ! Some people are asking : Who is that , O Rosululloh ? He replied : He's the one who found his parents when the parents , one or both of them , but do not make him enter Paradise . ( Narrated by Muslim 2551 )

Woe to the child, if he gets his parents , to live with him , befriend him , seeing his face , but he did not enter into heaven .

My son ...

I'm not going to raise this complaint to the sky , I'm not going to stir this grief to Allah , because if ever a complaint has been soaring through the clouds , through the doors of the sky , it will fall on destruction and misery , which has no cure and no physician can cure ...

I would not do ... not ... oh my how I would do it , while you are at the heart of my heart ... how powerful mother raised my hands to the sky , while you are my solace mother can see you ... how miserably exposed efficacious prayer , but you are to me is happiness my life ...

Get up nak ... nak ... get up ... get up ... get up gray gray started creeping in your head already . Time will pass , so that you will be too old .

الجزاء من جنس العمل

As you would do , as it did everyone would do unto you .

الجزاء من جنس العمل

The reward is in accordance with the charity that you have invested . You will reap according to what you are planting .

I do not want you to write this letter ... I do not want you to write the same letter , with your tears to your children , as I have written to you .

O son ...
keep your duty to Allah ... Allah ... fear thou the mother ... berbaktilah to hold her legs , her feet were in heaven indeed ... wash your tears , sadness balurlah ... fasten bone fragility ... and Resolve body that has weathered ...

My son ...

after you read this letter , it is up to you . Are you aware you will return , or you 'll tear it up .

Shollallohu wa ala ala alihi Alihi muhammadin wa wa wa sallam shohbihi .

From the mother who languish .

( Adapted from a review of Ustadz Armen - rohimahulloh - and will be connected with the child's response to the mother )

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