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Headline From VIVAnews For Sahabat BOLO-ON's BLOG  - Conflict in Ukraine increasingly smoldering . Open warfare with neighboring magnitude Ukraine , Russia , ready to erupt at any time . For the mass anti-government demonstrators in Ukraine , President Viktor Yanukovych overthrow - who escaped to Russia - turned out to pose a new problem .

Russia furious over the ouster of Yanukovych , a close ally of President Vladimir Putin , through popular revolution . Since late last week , Russia sent troops to the peninsula of Crimea , Ukraine autonomous region in sake , " Protecting the interests and the Russian people there , " said Putin told parliament .

Crimea quickly brought under control by Russia . Besides Moscow still has a military barracks in the port city of Sevastopol , the majority of Russian-speaking Ukrainians in Crimea and of course strongly support the fast pace of Moscow sent troops while still very fragile central government after the overthrow of Yanukovych .

According to Reuters news agency , gangs of men armed and in uniform but without emblems master airports and strategic centers in the Crimea . They alleged that the Russian troops were deployed from a military base and also assisted by local militias pro - Moscow . At the border , Russia has been alerted last week to 150,000 troops and had held military exercises there . However , they do not immediately rush into .

Ukraine also , under the new government is still fragile , alerting attempt suicide. Ministry of Defence on Sunday , issued a mass mobilization orders . All males aged up to 40 years to be ready to defend the country , although minimal weapons and logistics .

However , Ukraine is not ready above looks very rapid maneuvers of Moscow . Some cities have been subverted from within by the Russian army and the pro - Moscow .

In fact , in the city of Sevastopol , Ukraine naval officers can not work because they already occupied the headquarters of the Russian forces . Admiral Yuriy Ilyn , who recently served as commander of Ukrainian naval and army chief had become under the rule of President Yanukovych , admitted that the country's military strength is now " hostage of the situation . "

In Donestk City , eastern Ukraine , the former members of the police force riot which recently disbanded mobilize to support the pro - Russian . Sad again , there have been military officers who defected Ukraine .

Ukrainian Navy Commander of the newly-elected Saturday , Rear Admiral Denis Berezovsky , defected to the pro - Russian Crimea . He left his base and surrendered to Russian forces who have entered into the autonomous region of Ukraine .

According to BBC news station , Viktoria Syumar , deputy secretary of the Russian Security Council , said Berezovsky did not order the resistance when Russian troops visited the naval base which leads in the port of Sevastopol Crimea . It seems that Berezovsky was frustrated that many military facilities and the men he leads already does not move by the Russian movement .

In the city of Sevastopol , Ukraine naval officers can not work because they already occupied the headquarters of the Russian forces . Admiral Yuriy Ilyn admitted that the country's military strength is now " hostage of the situation . "

That is why , the Prime Minister of Ukraine , Arseniy Yatsenyuk , said today his country was on the brink of disaster . " It's not a threat anymore , but really my declaration of war on the state , " said Yatseniuk was quoted as saying by Reuters news agency .

Ukraine - Russia tensions heat up after Yanukovych was ousted by force by the demonstrators . As a Russian -leaning leader , Yanukovych Ukraine began inviting people's anger when his country last November cancel cooperation with the EU , which has fought the leader before him .

not Draw

Ukraine Sangggupkah open conflict with Russia ? It seems difficult , when looking at the number of military personnel and budget spent two countries in buying the machines of war , said the news station CNN to see some of the following references .

According to the Europa World , in 2012 alone the number of active personnel as much as 845 000 Russia , Ukraine sedangkanya only 130,000 . In terms of the budget , according to Jane 's Defence Weekly , pocket incurred for procurement of Russian war machines in 2012 amounted to U.S. $ 78 billion . Ukraine, only U.S. $ 1.6 billion .

Comparison of the two countries a military reserve unit was very jomplang . According to data from the World Factbook , which is published abroad encyclopedia interlijen U.S. agency , the CIA , Ukraine had 15.7 million men and women aged 16-49 years who are ready for military service . For the same age range , Russia has 45.6 million inhabitants .

That is why the minister of defense affairs while Ukraine , Ihor Tenyuh on Sunday in a parliamentary session affirms , their country did not have enough military force to physical fights with Russia .

The trial was actually held closed to the media , but word was leaked by Tenyuh two lawmakers present . Not surprisingly, at the trial , said whistleblowers , Defence Minister stressed that Ukraine Tenyuh diplomatic approach to resolve the crisis with Russia .

Jomplangnya comparison of military power between the two countries is a sign that , before the confrontation with Russia , Ukraine ignoring defense modernization . A military expert , in an article published in June 2011 , even predicting that Ukraine would experience a " void instrument of defense " for a decade when investment in the sector has not increased .

Badrak Valentin , director of defense policy analysts Ukrainian Centre for Army , Conversion and Disarmament Studies ( CACDS ) daily Nezavisimaya Gazeta quoted and Jane 's , even said that the development program of Ukrainian Armed Forces ( UAF ) is in a " zero level . "

According to a study in 2010 , the Ukrainian government felt no need to form a large military force , because the main threat is not coming from outside , but from within the country . That is , as a country that is not yet mature and still a teenager , Ukrainian political foundation is not stable yet and it has been proven by a bloody conflict that toppled President Yanukovych .

Western sanctions

Lost in military power , Ukraine is hoping there is a diplomatic solution . Not only that , Ukrainians also now have to depend on how much outsiders were able to help him . Outsiders in question is Western countries like the United States , Britain , France , and other European countries .

Since late last week , President Barack Obama from Washington DC and President Francois Hollande of Paris enthusiastically lobbied Putin in Moscow through a connection to refrain from invading Ukraine as well as prevent open war there .

In fact , according to the Washington Post , Obama was on a Saturday are willing to speak for 90 minutes to Putin specifically to lobby him not to invade Ukraine . Results lobby Obama so far has not been seen , but until Sunday there has been no signal from Moscow to rush in .

Wall Street Journal , Sunday, March 2, 2014 , reported that the U.S. and its allies in Europe are determined to isolate Putin and give economic sanctions for his country , if he does not withdraw troops from the territory of Crimea .

Washington Government itself has begun the initial steps of isolation , ie cancel the bilateral economic and trade treaties with Moscow . Including preparation suspend the G8 summit scheduled to be held in Sochi , Russia , in June.

Senior U.S. official said that the current government has initiated a discussion in Congress about the possibility of economic and financial sanctions against Russian companies and political leaders in the country .

Sunday night , members of the G7 countries have issued a joint statement condemning the " violation of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine " by Russia . Just like the U.S. , the G7 also said it would not participate in the preparatory meeting of the G8 , " G8 able to talk well . "

Officials in the U.S. throughout Europe now reportedly seeking appropriate sanction applied to Russia . Military intervention against Ukraine is considered as an option that will not be used .

One way is to use financial sanctions will bring down the value of the Russian currency , the ruble . In addition , U.S. government officials said that President Barack Obama will impose economic sanctions against energy companies , banks and leaders of Russia if Putin budge .

If subject to sanctions , there should be no Russian companies that use the U.S. financial system . It is used the same way against Iran , managed to weaken the country's economy in the last five years .

In addition to economic pressures , the U.S. and Europe will also conduct diplomatic negotiations . One of them , the strategy offers 6,000 withdrawal of Russian forces from Crimea safely , without interfering with the assets of the Russian military and Russian ancestry residents in the region .

U.S. Secretary of State , John Kerry , is also scheduled to visit the capital Kiev on Tuesday to express support for the interim government of Ukraine . In addition , the U.S. also will provide bailout , including guaranteed loans amounting to U.S. $ 1 billion . ( umi ) VIVAnews


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